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Use the following alphabetic index to go to a specific initial letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- Abdomen
- The last of the three major body divisions of an insect.
- Acaricide
- Agent that kills mites.
- Action Threshold
- The pest density above which control action should be taken to satisfy a gardener's
- Aerosol
- An atomized fluid with very small particles which appears as a smoke.
- Antenna
- A pair of sensory organs located on the head of an insect, above the mouth.
- Alternate Host
- A second plant or animal which is required to complete an insects life cycle.
- Anus
- The aft opening of the digestive system for expelling waste.
- Apterous
- Wingless
- Arthropod
- Any of the animals without internal skeletons but instead having an external shell
(exoskeleton) with segmented body and jointed limbs.
- Asymmetrical
- Not alike on both sides.
- Bacteria
- A single-celled microscopic plant that does not produce chlorophyll and therefor cannot
utilize the sun's energy.
- Beak
- Protruding mouth part of a sucking insect; proboscis.
- Beneficial
- Any creature that helps control pests that cause damage to desirable plants, e.g.
insects, spiders, etc.
- Bilateral Symmetry
- Alike on both sides.
- Biological Control
- The use of living organisms, such as predators, parasitoids and pathogens to control
- Broad-spectrum pesticide
- A pesticide that kills a wide range of pest species.
- Brood
- Insects which hatch from the same mother or insects which hatch and develop at the same
- Bt
- A pesticide which consists of the bacteria, Bacillus thuringiensis.
- Caterpillar
- The larvae stage of a butterfly, moth or sawfly which have a cylindrical body, head,
legs and prolegs.
- Caudal
- Near the tail.
- Cephalothorax
- Joined head and thorax found in the Arachnida and Crustacea.
- Cerci
- Appendages at the end of the abdomen.
- Chemical Control
- Pest management practice which rely on synthetic or natural derived pesticides.
- Chitin
- The hard outer layer of the insect.
- Chrysalis
- The pupa of an insect.
- Class
- A category of scientific classification ranking below phylum and above order (e.g.
- Classical Biological Control
- Importation of foreign natural enemies of insects to control local pests.
- Cocoon
- Silken case formed by an insect larva for pupation.
- Cole Crops
- Vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli, Brussel sprouts, etc.
- Complete Metamorphosis
- Type of insect life cycle which has four distinct stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult.
- Compound Eye
- An eye composed of many individual facets.
- Contact Poison
- Pesticide that is absorbed through the insect's body wall.
- Cornicle
- One of a pair of back (dorsal) tubes on the rear of the abdomen of aphids through which
they secrete honeydew.
- Coxa
- The base part of the leg where it joins the body.
- Crawler
- The first active instar of a scale insect.
- Crochets
- Hooked spines at the tip of prolegs of a butterfly and moth caterpillars.
- Cucurbits
- Vine crops such as cucumbers, melons, squash and pumpkins.
- Cultural Control
- Pest management practices that rely on manipulating the crop's environment (e.g.
removing weeds that may harbor insect pests).
- Cuticle
- The chitin layer of the insect which is like it's skin.
- D
- Dessicant
- Agent that promotes drying of insect to make them die.
- Diapause
- Suspended animation or dormancy.
- Dorsal
- Back or upper part of the insect.
- Ecology
- Study of an organism's interrelationship with it's environment.
- Ectoparasite
- A parasite that lives on the outside of a host's body.
- Elytra
- The leathery forwings of insects such as beetles.
- Emergence
- A newly formed adult insect leaving it's pupal case or last nymphal skin.
- Endoparasite
- A parasite that lives inside it's host.
- Entomopathogenic
- Insect attacking organism.
- Exoskeleton
- An external hard shell (made of chitin) which acts as a supporting structure for an
adult insect.
- Family
- A category of scientific classification ranking below order and above genus. Family
names end in idae.
- Femur
- The third leg segment.
- Filiform
- Threadlike.
- Forewing
- First pair or insect wings.
- Frass
- Insect excrement (dung).
- Fumigant
- A gas, vapor, fume or smoke used to kill a pest.
- Fungicide
- Substance that kills or inhibits the growth of fungus.
- Fungus
- A group of plants without chlorophyll which reproduce by spores. Yeast, mold, smut and
mushrooms are examples.
- Furcula
- The forked springing part of the Collembola springtails.
- Fusiform
- Spindle-shaped.
- Gall
- Abnormal growth of
plant tissue caused by toxins exuded by an insect.
- Generation
- A life cycle from egg to egg.
- Genus
- A category of scientific classification ranking below family and above specie. It
consists of a group which shares a number of distinct characteristics.
- Gradual Metamorphosis
- A type of life cycle which consists of three stages (their is no resting stage, i.e.
pupa): egg, nymph and adult.
- Grub
- Larva of a beetle with legs but no prolegs.
- Halteres
- A small, knobbed part
of a fly which takes the place of hind wings.
- Head
- The front part of an insect which contains the mouth, eyes, antenna and the brain.
- Herbicide
- Substance used to kill or control weeds.
- Hibernation
- Period of time during which an insect is in suspended animation during seasonal low
- Hindwings
- The second pair of wings on some insects.
- Honeydew
- Sugary liquid discharge from the cornicles of aphids, scales, etc. which often results
in black mold.
- Host
- Organism, foodstuff, etc. upon which another organism feeds.
- Hyperparasite
- A parasite whose host is another parasite.
- Inorganic pesticide
- A pesticide containing no carbon atom(s).
Sulfur is an example.
- Insect Growth Regulator (IGR)
- Substance that controls or modifies insect growth.
- Insecticide
- Agent that kills insects.
- Instar
- The stage in an insects life cycle between successive molts (which is the shedding of an
insects prior shell so it can develop to a larger size).
- Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
- A pest management approach which uses all available control options based on observed
damage and practical results. Physical, chemical and biological controls may all be used.
- J
- None
- K
- None
- Larvae (pl.)
- Insect immature stage undergoing complete metamorphosis between egg and pupa.
Caterpillar and grubs.
- Lateral
- On the side.
- Legs
- The abdominal legs which provide locomotion for the insect.
- Maggot
- Legless larvae of a fly or wasp.
- Mandibles
- The first pair of jaws.
- Maxillae
- The second pair of jaws aft of the mandibles.
- Mechanical Control
- Control of pests by physical means such as screens or row covers.
- Mesothorax
- Middle or second segment of the thorax.
- Metamorphosis
- Change in body form during development of an insect.
- Microbial
- Microscopic organism, a germ.
- Millimeter
- About 1/25".
- Mite
- Arthropod related to the insects but in the Arachnida class and has four pairs of legs.
- Miticide
- Agent that kills mites.
- Molt
- Process of shedding the outer layer.
- Mycelium
- Mass of interwoven filaments that make up the vegetative part of fungus.
- Native
- Insect or plant of local origin; not intentionally or accidentally introduced.
- Natural Control
- Suppressing pests by naturally occurring biological or environmental agents.
- Natural Enemies
- Living organisms that kill or weaken insects.
- Nectar
- Sugary liquid secreted by many flowers.
- Nematicide
- Agent that kills nematodes.
- Nematode
- Elongated cylindrical microscopic worm parasitic in certain plants, insects and animals.
- Nymph
- Immature stage of an insect, following hatching from an egg, that doesn't have a pupal
- Ocellus(pl)
- Simple eye of an
- Order
- Category of scientific classification ranking above family and below class.
- Organic pesticide
- A pesticide containing carbon atom(s). They may be plant derived or synthetically
- Ovicide
- Agent that kills insect and mite eggs.
- Ovipositor
- Egg-laying part of a female insect.
- Parasite
- Organism that lives in or on another organism (host) for part of it's life.
- Parasitoid
- Organism which feeds in or on another organism (host) which eventually kills it.
- Parthenogenesis
- Reproduction by development of unfertilized eggs.
- Pathogen
- Disease causing organism.
- Pedicel
- Waist of an ant or the second segment of the antenna.
- Pest
- Organism which is objectionable to humans due to damage it causes.
- Pesticide
- Substance which is used to kill or repel pests.
- Pheromone
- Substance which attracts insects of opposite sex or to food.
- Phylum
- Category of scientific classification ranking above class and below kingdom.
- Physical Control
- Control of pests using barriers, heat, cold, etc.
- Plumose
- Feather-like.
- Predator
- Animal that feeds on other animals at some time.
- Proleg
- Fleshy abdominal legs which don't develop into the six legs of the adult insect.
- Pronotum
- Upper, often shield-like, hard plate just behind the head of an insect.
- Prothorax
- First segment of the thorax.
- Protozoa
- Microscopic, single-celled aquatic organism which is often parasitic.
- Pubescent
- Covered with short, fine hairs.
- Punctate
- Pitted
- Pupae (pl.)
- Nonfeeding stage of an insect between the larvae and adult stage in complete
- Puparium
- Thickened, hardened last larval skin in which the pupa is formed in flies.
- Q
- None
- R
- Repellent
- Agent that repels pests.
- Septicemia
- Blood poisoning caused by pathogenic organisms.
- Sessile
- Incapable of moving.
- Setae(pl)
- Bristles.
- Species
- Category of scientific classification ranking below genus which consists of individuals
capable of interbreeding and producing fertile offspring.
- Spinneret
- Organ used by some insects to make silk and/or webs.
- Spiracles
- External openings of an insects breathing system which are found along the abdomen.
- Spore
- Reproductive cell which is produced by ferns, bacteria, etc. which results in a new
- Stage
- Distinct period of life in the development of an organism.
- Stem Mother
- Female aphid giving birth to living young without fertilization.
- Stomach Poison
- Pesticide which is lethal only when eaten by an insect.
- Striate
- With grooves or depressed lines.
- Stylet
- A needle-like part used for piercing by insects with sucking mouth parts.
- Systemic Poison
- Pesticide which is taken up by a plant's sap is lethal to insects that feed on the
- Tarsus
- The part of the
insect leg beyond the tibia, consisting of one or more segments with claw at the apex.
- Thorax
- Part of the insect body behind the head which has the legs and wings.
- Tibia
- The forth segment of the leg between the femur and the tarsus.
- Trap Crop
- Small group of plants used to attract pests preferentially from the main crop.
- Trochanter
- The second segment of the leg, between the coxa and the femur.
- U
- None
- Vector
- Pest which carries a disease from one plant to another.
- Ventral
- Lower side of the insect body.
- Virus
- Submicroscopic pathogen which can only replicate inside a living cell.
- Vivaparous
- Giving birth to living young, i.e. not egg-laying.
- W
- None
- X
- None
- Y
- None
Z None
Last edited: 11/06/99 11:28 PM