Alleculidae - Comb-clawed beetle - 177 species, 118 in West. 4 - 15 mm. Antennae
threadlike, sawtoothed. Found in dead bark, vegetation and flowers.
Amphizoidae - Trout-stream beetle - 4 species, mountains in West. Elongated, oval, convex on back but flat
underneath. Antennae threadlike. Dull brown to black. 11 - 16 mm. Aquatic and found in far
West streams. Adults and larvae live in icy waters of swift mountain streams. Cling to
debris or stones in eddies. One species lives in relatively warm water in streams near
Seattle, Washington. Poor swimmers. Adults and larvae are predaceous.
Anobiidae - Death-watch beetle - 310 species, many in West. 1.1 - 9 mm. Antennae
clubbed, sawtoothed. Found with foliage, wood and fungi.
Anthicidae - Antlike flower beetle - 140 species, 93 in West. 1.7 - 4.3 mm.
Antennae threadlike. Found on ground and foliage.
Anthribidae - Fungus weevil - 81 species. .8 - 15 mm. Antennae clubbed. Found
with fungi and foliage.
Biphyllidae - Biphyllid beetle - 4 species, in East and Southwest. 2 - 3.5 mm.
Antennae clubbed. Found with fungi and under bark.
Bostrichidae - Branch & twig borer - 60 species, most in Southwest. 2 - 52 mm. Antennae clubbed. Attracted to
light and with fungi.
Brachypsectridae - Texas beetle - 1 specie, Texas to California. 4.6 6 mm.
Antennae sawtoothed. Found under bark.
Brathinidae - Grass-root beetle - 3 species, in Northeast and California.
Elongated and slender, long-legged, ant-like. Antennae threadlike. Back smooth and shiny.
3.4 - 6 mm. Only 2 species found in the East and 1 in California. They are found in grass
roots near water. They are very rare.
Brentidae - Primitive weevil
- 6 species, in East, Texas and California. 5.2 - 42 mm. Antennae beadlike. Found under
bark or in wood.
Bruchidae - Seed beetle -
107 species, thoughout North America. 1- 8 mm. Antennae sawtoothed, clubbed. Found with
foliage, flowers and seeds.
Buprestidae - Metallic Wood-boring beetle - 718 species, thoughout North America, many in West. 2 - 40 mm. Antennae
sawtoothed, threadlike. Found with foliage, trees, flowers.
Byrrhidae - Pill beetle - 42 species, throughout North America, many in West.
1.5 - 10 mm. Antennae clubbed, threadlike. Found with foliage or on ground.
Byturidae - Fruitworm beetle - 5 species, throughout North America. 2.7 - 4.4
mm. Antennae clubbed. Found with foliage of berry plants.
Cantharidae - Soldier beetle - 455 species, throughout North America. 1 - 15 mm.
Antennae threadlike, sawtoothed. Found with foliage or flowers.
Carabidae - Ground beetle -
1700 species, throughout North America. Antennae threadlike. Legs usually long and
slender, usually black and shiny or dark but sometimes brightly iridescent colors such as
purple or dark green. 1.2 - 35 mm. Common on ground under plants or debris in the garden.
Attracted to light and most are nocturnal. They run rapidly and seldom fly. Larvae found
in similar situations. Genus Calosoma are called caterpillar hunters. Genus Brachinus
are called bombardier beetles because they eject a foul-smelling substance, with a loud
sound, to discourage their enemies such as birds.
Cebrionidae - Cebrionid beetle - 17 species, found Southeast to Southwest. 13.5
- 25 mm. Antennae sawtoothed. Found under dead bark, ground or with foliage.
Cephaloidae - False long-horned beetle - 10 species, East and West. 8 - 20 mm.
Antennae threadlike. Found with flowers or foliage.
Cerambycidae - Long-horned beetle - 1100 species, throughout North America. 2 -
60 mm. Antennae threadlike, very long. Found with foliage, flowers or wood.
Cerophytidae - Rare click beetle - 2 species, East and California. 5.5 - 8.5 mm.
Antennae comblike, sawtoothed. Found with bark, foliage or wood.
Cerylonidae - Cerylonid beetle - 18 species, throughout North America. 1.2 - 3
mm. Antennae clubbed. Found with dead bark or ant nests.
Chelonariidae - Chelonariid beetle - 1 specie, Southeast and Arkansas. 6.5 - 7.2
mm. Antennae sawtoothed. Found with foliage.
Chrysomelidae - Leaf beetle
- 1474 species, throughout North America. 1 - 16 mm. Antennae, threadlike, clubbed. Found
usually on weed foliage.
Cicindelidae - Tiger beetle
- 130 species, throughout North America. Long threadlike antenna, segmented, legs long and
slender, brown, black or green, often patterned, some iridescent and colorful. 6 - 40 mm.
Very fast-running and flying. Occur in sunlit open areas on sandy beaches or paths. Strong
mandibles make them good predators. They can pinch hard! The larvae make vertical tunnels
like antlions where they capture their prey. About 100 of the 130 are in the genus Cicindela.
Ciidae - Minute tree-fungus beetle - 85 species, throughout North America but
many in South east. .5 - 6 mm. Antennae clubbed. Found mostly on polypore fungi.
Clambidae - Minute beetle - 8 species, throughout North America. .8 - 1 mm.
Antennae clubbed. Found with rotting plants or ant nests.
Cleridae - Checkered beetle - 261 species, throughout North America, many in
Southwest. 1.8 - 24 mm. Antenna variable. Found with foliage, flowers or wood.
Coccinellidae - Ladybug
beetle - 400 species, throughout North America. .8 - 10 mm. Antennae clubbed. Found on
Colydiidae - Cylindrical bark beetle - 92 species, throughout North America. 1.7
- 13 mm. Antennae clubbed. Found under dead bark.
Corylophidae - Minute fungus beetle - 61 species, throughout North America but
40 in East. .5 - 2.2 mm. Antennae clubbed. Found with rotting plants or on foliage.
Cryptophagidae - Silken fungus beetle - 166 species, throughout North America.
.8 - 5 mm. Antennae clubbed. Found with fungi or decaying vegetation.
Cucujidae - Flat bark beetle
- 88 species, throughout North America. 1.3 - 14 mm. Antennae beadlike, threadlike. Found
with bark or decaying vegetation.
Cupedidae - Reticulated beetle - Long body, fairly flat, body clothed with broad
scales, antenna long, thead-like about 1/2 length of body. 7 - 20 mm. 5 species, found in
East and West.. Adults found in logs, where larvae occur or flying in sunlight. Larvae
bore into rotting oak, chestnut and pine.
Curculionidae - Weevil -
2,432 species, found throughout North America. .6 - 35 mm. Antennae clubbed. Found with
Dascillidae - Soft-bodied plant beetle - 16 species, found throughout North
America but most in West. Antennae threadlike and sawtoothed. Found with foliage in moist
Dermestidae - Dermestid beetle - 123 species, found throughout North America. 1
- 12 mm. Antennae clubbed. Found with flowers, carcasses, foodstuff indoors.
Derodontidae - Tooth-necked fungus beetle - 9 species, found in Northeast and
West. 2 - 6 mm. Antennae clubbed. Found with dead bark, shelf fungi or foliage.
Dryopidae - Long-toed water beetle - 15 species, found throughout North America
but many in West. 4 - 8 mm. Antennae comblike. Found in streams and attracted to lights.
Dytiscidae - Predaceous diving beetle - 476 species, found throughout North America. 1.2 - 40 mm. antennae
threadlike. Elongated, oval, convex, streamlined. Hind legs flattened and fringed with
hairs with 1 or 2 claws. Antennae threadlike and curved back. Black, brown or yellow,
often with light markings. 1.4 - 35 mm. Abundant in ponds, lakes and streams and are
excellent swimmers. Move hind legs in unison unlike water scavenger beetles
(Hydrophilidae). They are attracted by and fly to lights. Adults and larvae are predators.
Elateridae - Click beetle -
800 species, found throughout North America. 1.5 - 45 mm. Antennae sawtoothed. Found with
foliage, bark or rotting wood.
Elmidae - Riffle beetle - 93 species, found throughout North America. 1 - 8 mm.
Antennae threadlike and clubbed. Found in streams and lakes and is attracted to lights.
Endomychidae - Handsome fungus beetle -35 species, found throughout North
America but aboutd 22 in East. 1 - 10 mm. Antennae clubbed. Found with fungi, rotten wood
or decaying fruit.
Erotylidae - Pleasing fungus beetle - 50 species, found throughout North America
but about 33 in East. 2.5 - 22 mm. Antennae clubbed. Found with fungi.
Eucinetidae - Eucinetid beetle - 8 species, found most in East but some in
California. 2.5 - 4 mm. Antennae threadlike. Found with dead bark, rotting wood or fungi.
Eucnemidae - False click beetle - 67 species, found throughout North America but
most in East. 2 -18 mm. Antennae sawtoothed and threadlike. Found with dead bark or
Euglenidae - Antlike leaf beetle - 39 species, found throughout North America
but about 26 in East. 1.5 - 3 mm. Antennae threadlike and clubbed. Found with foliage or
Georyssidae - Minute mud-loving beetle - 2 species found in Nebraska and
California. 1.5 - 3 mm. Antennae clubbed. Found at stream shores.
Gyrinidae - Whirligig beetle
- 51 species, throughout North America but most in East. Elongated, oval with taper
similar in front and rear and flattened. Antennae clubbed and short. 3 - 15.5 mm. Black or
rarely dark, metallic green. Front legs long and slender with elbow. Rear legs very short
and flattened. Antennae very short and clubbed. Often seen swimming in groups in a
gyrating fashion on the surface of ponds and streams. They are good and rapid swimmers.
Adults and larvae are predators. Some adults give off an odor similar to pineapples when
Haliplidae - Crawling water beetle - 60 species, found throughout North America
and many in East. Oval, tapering at end, convex. 1.7 - 4.5 mm. Yellow or brownish with
black spots. Head small. Antennae threadlike and short. Not good swimmers but found around
ponds and streams and lakes. They are usually creeping over submerged vegetation.
Helodidae - Marsh beetle - 34 species, found throughout North America but most
in East. 2 - 5 mm. Antennae threadlike. Found with foliage in marshy areas.
Heteroceridae - Variegated mud-loving beetle - 28 species, found throughout
North America. 1 - 8 mm. Antennae sawtoothed and short. Found near stream and pond shores
and attracted to lights.
Histeridae - Hister beetle -
359 species, found throughout North America. Antennae elbowed, clubbed. Body usually oval,
sometimes flattened or elongated and cylindrical. Hard bodied and shiny black sometimes
with red markings. .5 - 20 mm. Predators of insects that are attracted to decaying organic
matter and oozing sap. Flat species live under loose bark and cylindrical species live in
the galleries of wood-boring insects.
Hydraenidae - Minute moss beetle - 33 species, found throughout North America
but most in West. 1.2 - 2.5 mm. Antennae clubbed. Found near stream, lake and pond shores.
Hydrophilidae - Water-scavenger beetle - 225 species, found throughout North
America. Body generally oval or elliptical, 5 abdominal segments, convex back, antennae
short and clubbed. Hind legs flattened, usually with fringed hair. Black, brown or yellow,
sometimes patterned. 1 - 40 mm. Similar to Predaceous Diving beetle (Dytiscidae), most are
aquatic both as adults and larvae. Adults are usually scavengers but larvae feed on a
variety of aquatic animals. 1 genus is terrestrial and feed in dung, humus and decaying
Hydroscaphidae - Skiff beetle - Similar to Rove beetle (Staphylinidae), oval
body, tan to brown, antennae threadlike. 1 - 1.5 mm. 1 species found in Arizona, Southern
Nevada and Southern California. Adult and larvae found in streams on filamentous algae
growing on rocks, especially in shallow water.
Lagriidae - Long-jointed bark beetle - 21 species, found throughout North
America. Antennae threadlike. 6 - 15 mm. Found with foliage or dead bark.
Lampyridae - Firefly beetle - 136 species, found throughout North America but
many in East. Antennae threadlike and toothed. 4.5 - 20 mm. Found with foliage, flying at
night or on the ground.
Languridae - Lizard beetle - 17 species, found throughout North America but many
in South. Antennae clubbed. 3 - 16 mm. Found with foliage or flowers.
Lathridiidae - Minute brown scavenger beetle - 108 species, found throughout
North America. Antennae clubbed. 1 - 3 mm. Found with moldy plant and animal matter.
Leiodidae - Round fungus beetle - 126 species, found throughout North America.
Oval to nearly spherical, very convex, often capable of rolling into a ball. Shiny black
or brown. Antennae clubbed and curved back. 1 - 6.5 mm. They are found under the bark of
dead trees, in rotten wood, decaying vegetation and rotting fungi. Many species roll into
a ball and play dead when disturbed.
Leptinidae - Mammal-nest beetle - Brownish, oval, flattened. Eyes reduced or
none. Antennae clubbed. Forewing has dense, fine golden hairs. 2 - 5 mm. 4 species in
North America found in nests and fur of mice, shrews, moles and beavers. 1 species also
found in nests of social Hymenoptera found throughout North America. They probably feed on
eggs and young of mites and other small insect related animals.
Leptodiridae - Small carrion beetle - 81 species, found throughout North
America. Elongated and oval, head partially visible from back, antennae clubbed and curved
back, 8th segment much smaller than 7th or 9th. Body covered with fairly dense flattened
fine hairs. 1.7 - 6 mm.Common members feed on carrion. Others are found in fungi, ant
nests or are associated with mammals as scavengers.
Limnichidae - Minute marsh-loving beetle - 32 species, found throughout North
America. Antennae sawtoothed and clubbed. .7 - 2.5 mm. Found in streams or along edges.
Limnebiidae (See Hydraenidae)
Limulodidae - Horseshoe crab beetle - Covered with fine hairs and shaped like a
horseshoe crab. Antennae are clubbed. Eyes reduced or absent. .7 - .9 mm. 4 species
associated with ants found from East to Arizona. They feed on substances exuded by ants.
Lucanidae - Stag beetle - 30 species found throughout North America, 20 in West.
Antennae comblike. 8 - 60 mm. Found with logs, stumps, on the ground and is attracted to
Lycidae - Net-Winged beetle - 78 species found throughout North America but most
in West. Antennae threadlike and sawtoothed. 3 - 19 mm. Found with foliage, flowers or
tree trunks.
Lyctidae - Powder post beetle - 11 species found throughout North America.
Antennae clubbed. 1 - 7 mm. Found with seasoned wood.
Lymexylonidae - Ship-timber beetle - 1 species found throughout North America
but 2 rare species are found in Eastern states.. Body narrow, elongated. 9 - 13.5 mm.
Antennae are short and 11 segmented. They are found in decaying wood and under bark.
Larvae bore into heart and sapwood of dead chestnut, poplar and other trees.
Melandryidae - False darkling beetle - 95 species found throughout North America
but most found in East. Antenna threadlike and clubbed. 2 - 20 mm. Found with bark,
foliage, fungi and flowers.
Meloidae - Blister beetle -
335 species found throughout North America but most in West. Antennae threadlike or
beadlike. 3 - 30 mm. Found with foliage and flowers. Many are pests. Exude liquid which
can cause blisters on ones skin.
Melyridae - Soft-winged flower beetle - 502 species found throughout North
America but many are found in West. Antennae threadlike and toothed. 1.5 - 7 mm. Found
with foliage and flowers.
Micromalthidae - Micromalthid beetle - Resemble small soldier beetles, antenna
short, beadlike, 11 segments. 1.5 - 2.5 mm. 1 species, Micromalthus debilis, found in
East. Found in rotten oak and chestnut in the Northeast.
Monommidae - Monommid beetle - 5 species found in Southeast to Southwest U.S.
Antennae clubbed. 5 - 12 mm. Found with foliage and debris.
Mordellidae - Tumbling flower beetle - 204 species found throughout North
America. Antennae threadlike and sawtoothed. 1.5 - 15 mm. Found with flowers and foliage.
Mycetophagidae - Hairy fungus beetle - 26 species throughout North America but
about 17 found in East. Antennae clubbed. 1 - 6.3 mm. Found with fungi or humus.
Nitidulidae - Sap beetle - 177 species throughout North America. Antennae
clubbed. 1 - 12 mm. Found with rotting fruit, fungi, flowers and flowing sap.
Nosodendridae - Wounded-tree beetle - 2 species, found in Northeast and Pacific
coast. Antennae clubbed. 4 - 6 mm. Found where there is an oozing tree wound.
Noteridae - Burrowing water beetle - Similar to Predaceous Diving beetle
(Dytiscidae) but antennae threadlike and curved forward and oval body more pointed toward
rear. Black to re-brown. 1.2 - 5.5 mm. 17 species. Most common in Southeastern states but
a few occur in Northeastern states and found out to Texas. Larvae burrow into mud near
roots of aquatic plants.
Oedemeridae - False blister beetle - 53 species found throughout North America.
Antennae threadlike and slightly toothed. 5 - 23 mm. Found with decaying wood, foliage or
Omophronidae - Round sand beetle (Under Carabidae) - Oval, some taper on each end, convex, large head, Brown
or black with light markings. 5 - 8 mm. Found in mud or sand along stream or lake shores.
Larvae and adults are predators.
Othniidae - False tiger beetle - 5 species found in Virginia and Nebraska to
California. Antennae clubbed. 5 - 9 mm. Found with humus, bark or cacti.
Passalidae - Bessbug beetle - 3 species found in East and Texas. Antennae
clubbed. 28 - 40 mm. Found with logs or stumps.
Pedilidae - Pedilid beetle - 57 species found throughout North America but
mostly in West. Antennae threadlike and sawtoothed. 4 - 15 mm. Found with flowers or
Perothopidae - Perothopid beetle - 3 species found in East and California.
Antennae threadlike. 10 - 25 mm. Found with beech, apple or oak trees.
Phalacridae - Shining mold beetle - 122 species found throughout North America.
Antennae clubbed. 1- 3 mm. Found with flowers, foliage or under bark.
Phengodidae - Glowworms - 25 species found in East and West. Antennae
featherlike. 4.5 - 20 mm. Found attracted to lights.
Platypodidae - Pinhole borers - 7 species throughout North America. Antennae
clubbed. 2 - 8 mm. Found with wood and attracted to lights.
Platypsyllidae - Beaver parasite beetle (Under Leptinidae) - Body
elongated, oval and flattened. Eyes and hind wing absent. Antennae 11 segmented, not
clubbed. About 2.5 mm. 1 species (Platypsyllus castoris) is an ectoparasite
(lives outside of host) of the American Beaver, adults and larvae spend most of their life
on host.
Pselaphidae - Short-winged mold beetle - 500 species throughout North America.
Antennae clubbed. .5 - 5.5 mm. Found with bark, under debris, in tree holes and nests.
Psephenidae - Water-penny beetle - 13 species found in North East but mostly in
West. Antennae threadlike and sawtoothed. 3 - 7 mm. Found in or near streams.
Ptiliidae - Feather-winged beetle - 111 species throughout North America but
most in East. Antennae clubbed, each segment with a whorl of long hair. Hind wing with a
fringe of long hair. Oval and often has fine hair. .25 - 1.5 mm. Some members are the
smallest beetles known and among the smallest insects. Found in rotting wood,
fungus-covered logs, vegetable debris and dung. They feed mostly on fungus spores.
Ptilodactylidae - Ptilodactylid beetle - 10 species found in East onto to
Arizona. Antennae comblike and sawtoothed. 4 - 10 mm. Found with foliage.
Ptinidae - Spider beetle - 50 species throughout North America but many in South
West. Antennae threadlike and clubbed. 1 - 5 mm. Found with animal or vegetable matter.
Pyrochroidae - Fire-colored beetle - 15 species found throughout North America.
Antennae sawtoothed and featherlike. 4.5 19 mm. Found at night on dead trees, logs or
Rhipiceridae - Cedar beetle - 6 species found from East to Southwest. Antennae
sawtoothed to lamellate. 11 - 24 mm. Found with tree trunks or foliage.
Rhipiphoridae - Wedge-shaped beetle - 50 species found throughout North America.
Antennae sawtoothed and comblike. 3.5 - 15 mm. Found with flowers.
Rhizophagidae - Rhizophagid beetle - 56 species found throughout North America.
Antennae clubbed. 1.5 - 3 mm. Found with dead bark, rotting wood or ant nests.
Rhysodidae - Wrinkled bark beetle - 8 species found mostly in East but also in
Oregon and California. Slender body, antenna short, beadlike. 5.4 - 8.1 mm. Back is black
or reddish and shiny. Body to rear of head is grooved. Wing cover is striated. Larvae bore
beneath bark of decaying beech, ash, elm and pine. Adults found beneath bark and often
hibernate in groups. On dead bark at night.
Salpingidae - Narrow-waisted bark beetle - 34 species found mostly in North or
South West. Antennae threadlike or beadlike. 2 - 21 mm. Found with bark or conifers, humus
or flowers.
Scaphidiidae - Shining fungus beetle - 50 species found throughout North America
but most in East. Spindle shaped and convex. Usually black and shiny with red spots.
Forewing short and partially exposing pointed posterior of abdomen. Legs long and slender,
antennae clubbed and curved back. 1.2 - 7 mm. Found in fungi, dead wood, rotting leaves
and under bark. Play dead when disturbed or run with an uneven gait.
Scarabaeidae - Scarab beetle - 1,375 species found throughout North America.
Antennae lamellate. 2 - 62 mm. Found with foliage, dung, flowers, fungi or humus.
Scolytidae - Ambrosia & bark beetle - 476 species found throughout North America. Antennae clubbed. .6 - 9 mm.
Found with trees and attracted to lights.
Scydmaenidae - Antlike stone beetle - 181 species found throughout North America
but most in East. Antennae clubbed. .6 - 2.5 mm. Found with bark, humus, tree holes or
under debris.
Silphidae - Carrion beetle - 46 species found throughout North America. Some
have broad forewing (Silpha genus, 10 - 24 mm) but others have short forewing exposing
rear of abdomen (Nicrophorus genus). Black, often with yellow, orange or red markings.
Body usually soft and flattened, antennae clubbed with last 2 or 3 segments with fine
hairs. 1.5 - 35 mm. Usually found on carrion or decaying vegetation as adults or larvae.
They are large beetles and brightly colored. Nocrophorus genus are called burying or
Sexton beetles because they burrow under small dead animals such as mice and bury them.
Sphaeriidae - Minute bog beetle - 3 species found in East, Texas, California and
Washington. Antennae clubbed. .5 - .8 mm. Found with mud or under debris near water.
Sphaeritidae - Sphaeritid beetle - 1 specie found from Alaska to California.
Antennae clubbed. 3.6 - 5.6 mm. Found with fungi, dung, under bark, on moss or in sap
Sphindidae - Dry-fungus beetle - 6 species found from East to Colorado and
California. Antenna clubbed. 1.5 - 3 mm. Found with slime molds, shelf fungi, logs or
Staphylinidae - Rove beetle -
Elongated and slender.Forewing short exposing rear abdominal segments which are often bent
upward. Antennae threadlike to clubbed and curved back. .7 - 25 mm. Large family of about
3,100 species and common throughout North America. Larger ones found on carrion, others
found on the ground, often under debris, along shores of streams and lakes, under bark, in
fungi, on flowers, in ant or termite nests or in decaying vegetation. They usually run
fast with their rear abdomen bent up and they are good flyers. They can't sting but they
can bite and are predators. A few feed on decaying vegetation and some are parasitoids.
Stylopidae - Twisted-winged parasite beetle - 56 species found throughout North
America but most in East. Antennae fan-shaped or comblike. .5 - 4 mm. Found on or inside
wasp or other host insect.
Telegeusidae - Telegeusid beetle - Resemble rove beetle (Staphylinidae), body
elongated and slender. Antennae threadlike and short. 5 - 8 mm. 3 very rare species found
in Arizona and California. Presumed to live under bark and attracted to light.
Tenebrionidae - Darkling beetle - 1300 species found throughout North America
but most in West. Antennae threadlike and clubbed. 2 - 35 mm. Found with debris, fungus,
under bark or on foliage.
Throscidae - Throscid beetle - 27 species found throughout North America.
Antennae clubbed. 1.6 - 5 mm. Found with foliage or flowers.
Trogositidae - Bark-gnawing beetle - 55 species found throughout North America
but most in West. Antennae clubbed. 2.3 - 22 mm. Found with dead wood, fungus or vegetable