Hymenoptera (Beneficial Parasitoids):
Braconid Wasp: Family
This common wasp is mostly brown or black and size is less than 1/4" (6 mm).
Larvae are parasitic to are large variety of insects (they lay their eggs inside the host)
and are important in control of a large number of economic pests including aphids. Some
pupate in silken coccoons on the outside of the host. They do not bite or sting.
Chalcid Wasp: Family
Very common wasp , elbowed antenna, parasitic of a variety of insects. Colors are
usually uniformly dark. Size is mostly less than 1/4" (5 mm).
Ichneumon Wasp: Family
Very common, slender, curved antenna, parasitic wasp which lays it's egg inside the
host. Color varies in brown, black and yellows; some are brightly patterned. Most have
large ovipositor for laying eggs. Some of the larger ones can sting when handled. Size is
1/8" - 1-9/16" (3 - 40 mm) in length. Each species is usually parasitic on a
specific insect and most attack important garden pests. The larvae spins a coccoon when it
finishes off it's host. They produce 1 - 2 generations per year.
Trichogramma Wasp:
Family Trichogrammatidae 
Very small, stocky, parasitic wasp. Size less than 1/32" (1 mm) in length. Some
attack a variety of insect pest eggs including the corn earworm.
Last edited: 11/23/98 08:24 PM