Convergent (Hippodamia convergens)
No common name (Hippodamia lunatomaculata)
Parenthesis (Hippodamia parenthesis)
Five spotted (Hippodamia qumquesignata)
Sinuous (Hippodamia sinuata)
Thirteen spotted (Hippodamia tredecimpunctata)
No common name (Hippodamia undecimnotata)
No common name (Hippodamia variegata)
Washington (Hippodamia washingtoni)
Convergent Lady Beetle (Hippodamia convergens) -
Orange or red wing covers with up to 13 black spots. Black head shield with to
converging white stripes. (about 1/8 - 1/4 inch) 4.2 to 7.3 mm. Attack cotton, pea, melon,
cabbage, potato, green peach and corn leaf aphids. If aphids are scarce then they attack
mites, asparagus beetle eggs and larvae and potato psyllids. They also eat some nectar and
pollen. Females lay from 200 - 1000 eggs in a 3 month period starting in Spring. Eggs are
laid near prey in small clusters. The eggs are small (about 1/32"or 1 mm) and are
spindle shaped. Larvae are dark and alligator like with 3 pair of prominent legs. They
grow from 1 mm to adult size in about 1 month. They travel up to 30 ft (12 m) in search of
prey. Pupation takes up to 12 days depending on the temperature. One or two generations
each year. In the Western U.S. they hibernate from until February in large aggregations in
mountain valleys and then disperse in search of food and egg laying sites. This species is
the one sold commercially because of the ease of collection during their hibernation
period. It is not recommended that you use these ladybugs in your garden although they
might be suitable in a greenhouse where they can't escape. Return
to Index.
Lady Beetle Larvae and Lady Beetle Eggs>> .
Return to Index.
Parenthesis Lady Beetle (Hippodamia parenthesis) -
Wing covers are orange-red with parenthesis markings near rear and 3 irregular spots
near front. Head shield about equal black and white markings. (about 1/8 - 1/4 inch)
3.75 to 5.6 mm. Return to Index.
Five Spotted Lady Beetle (Hippodamia qumquesignata) -
Wing covers are red with 2 black spots and 3 black bands (1 long shoulder bands).
Head shield is black with 2 small eye spots plus irregular white areas. (about 1/8 - 1/4
inch) 4.0-7.0 mm. Return to Index.
Thirteen Spotted Lady Beetle (Hippodamia tredecimpunctata) -
Orange wing covers with 13 black spots (1 irregular). Head cover is black with
irregular white areas. (about 1/8 - 1/4 inch) 4.5-6.4 mm. Return
to Index.
Last edited: 11/22/98 11:01 PM