Asian or Southern (Harmonia axyridis)
No common name (Harmonia dimidata)
No common name (Harmonia quadripunctata)

Asian Ladybug Larvae
Asian Ladybug (Harmonia axyridis) - Fairly large , yellow-orange lady beetle
with black M-shape on head shield up to 19 black spots on wing covers. Another
possible identifying feature is one bump on the back of each wing cover. Highly variable
species imported from asia which is about 1/8 - 1/4 inch (4.8 to 7.5 mm) long. It is
particularly fond of tree (birch, tulip, maple, oak and pecan) aphids. It has an annoying
habitat of hibernating in buildings which causes complaints from home owners. It is
recommended that home owners sweep or vacuum them up and move them outside as gently as
possible and to seal any cracks to avoid re-entry. Return to
Last edited: 11/22/98 10:49 PM