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Insect Website Title

Pest Remedies-L:

Fly, Leafminer (Liriomyza spp.)

Order: Diptera; Family: Agromyzidaeleafminerflypupa.gif (39154 bytes) leafminerfly.gif (35630 bytes)


Adults, are 1/8" (3 mm), long, black head, yellow between eyes, thorax black on top. Larva, yellow maggot with black, sickle-shaped mouth hooks. Pupa, golden brown, barrel-shaped and ribbed.

Life Cycle:

2 - 4 weeks cycle.

Hosts/Damage: Larvae (maggots) leave serpentine mine in leaf of host.


Cultural - None.

Biological - Chalcid and braconid wasps.

Chemical - None recommended but sprays may be available at your nursery or hardware store. Follow label instructions carefully to avoid injury to your plant, yourself, your pets or the environment.

Last edited: 07/10/98 01:25 AM



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