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Insect Website Title

Pest Remedies-Bugs:

Bug, Apple Red (Lygidea mendax)

Order: Hemiptera; Family: Pyrrhocoridae

Description: Adult, active, bright red, 6 mm(1/4"), fly readily from tree to tree.

Life Cycle:

Overwintering is in the egg stage, in lenticels on the bark of smaller branches and the nymphs appear in the early pink stage of apple bloom, puncturing leaves as they unfold and feeding on the fruit as it reaches about 6 mm (1/4") in diameter. Adulthood is reached in June.


Nearly all varieties of apples and may attack pear, hawthorn and wild crab apples. Leaves are curled and there are numerous small sunken spots where the beak punctures the fruit; the fruit is deformed, pitted in a dimpled effect, sometimes russeted; the texture is woody.


Cultural -

Biological -

Chemical - Use delayed dormant spray of superior oil. Various other sprays and baits are available at your nursery or hardware store. Follow label instructions carefully to avoid injury to your plant, yourself, your pets or the environment.

Bug, Brown Stink (Euschistus servus) 

Order: Hemiptera; Family: Pentatomidae Brown Stink Bug

Description: Brown with checkered border beneath the wing covers. Shield shaped and about 1/2" (13 mm) long.

Life Cycle: One generation each year and hibernates in the adult or egg stages. Eggs laid on leaves and fruit of host.

Hosts/Damage: Blackberry, cabbage, corn, peach or tomato. Adults and nymphs puncture fruit skin causing a gummy matter to appear. Injured fruit has a catfaced or pitted appearance.


Cultural - Remove weeds from garden. Physically remove bugs and mash. Destroy eggs.

Biological - Tachinid flies, bigeyed bugs, assassin bugs and damsel bugs.

Chemical - Various sprays and baits are available at your nursery or hardware store. Follow label instructions carefully to avoid injury to your plant, yourself, your pets or the environment.

Bug, Chinch (Blissus leucopterus)


Biological - Parasitic nematodes attack larvae and pupae (e.g. Biosafe).

Bug, Consperse Stink (Euschistus conspersus)

Order: Hemiptera; Family: Pentatomidae


Life Cycle:



Cultural -

Biological - Tachinid flies, bigeyed bugs, assassin bugs, damsel bugs.

Chemical - Various other sprays and baits are available at your nursery or hardware store. Follow label instructions carefully to avoid injury to your plant, yourself, your pets or the environment.

Bug, Dark Apple Red (Heterocordylus malinus)

Order: Hemiptera; Family: Pyrrhocoridae


Adult, active, red black and is covered with white, flattened hairs on the upper surfurce, 6 mm(1/4"), fly readily from tree to tree.

Life Cycle:

Overwintering is in the egg stage, in lenticels on the bark of smaller branches and the nymphs appear in the early pink stage of apple bloom, puncturing leaves as they unfold and feeding on the fruit as it reaches about 6 mm (1/4") in diameter. Adulthood is reached in June.


Nearly all varieties of apples and may attack pear, hawthorn and wild crab apples. Leaves are curled and there are numerous small sunken spots where the beak punctures the fruit; the fruit is deformed, pitted in a dimpled effect, sometimes russeted; the texture is woody.


Cultural -

Biological -

Chemical - Use delayed dormant spray of superior oil. Various other sprays and baits are available at your nursery or hardware store. Follow label instructions carefully to avoid injury to your plant, yourself, your pets or the environment.

Bug, Eastern Boxelder (Leptocoris trivittatus)

Eastern Boxelder Bug

Order: Hemiptera; Family: Rhopalidae


Adult, 10 to 15 mm (about 1/2 inch) long. Grey brown to black with red stripes on on the thorax and thin diagonal red lines on the upper part of the wings. Pointed head with large eyes and two long antenna.

Life Cycle:

In the Spring, adults lay eggs in bark crevices and leaves. Nymphs are bright red which adds black as it grows to adult.


Adults and nymphs suck juices from boxelder tree leaves, maples, ash and deciduous fruit trees. Nymphs concentrate on the new, tender growth. Usually does little damage to trees but causes blemishes and deformities in fruit. Can be a major nuisance if they get into buildings by causing stains and unpleasant odor. The boxelder bug can bite.


Cultural - Hand picking (when crushed they emit a strong, unpleasant odor). Vacuum and dispose in sealed garbage bags if close to electrical power.

Biological - Parasitic nematodes.

Chemical - Spray pyrethrums or insecticidal soap solutions on trees periodically. Various other sprays and baits are available at your nursery or hardware store. Follow label instructions carefully to avoid injury to your plant, yourself, your pets or the environment.

Bug, Eggplant Lace (Gargaphia solani)

Order: Hemiptera; Family: Tingidae


Adult, dark brown and yellow, boxy shaped, relatively large, move slowly with sidewise movement. Nymphs are wingless, darker than adults and have spines

Life Cycle: Adults lay egg clusters within leaf veins. Nymphs hatch in Spring.


Eggplant, tomato, potato and cassia. Cling to underside of host leaves and suck sap, causing dry, dying areas without chlorophyll which appear as bleached, speckled or splotched areas. Excrement shows as dark black spots.


Cultural - Remove and destroy heavily infested leaves.

Biological -

Chemical - Use delayed dormant spray of superior oil on leaf underside. Spray active infestations with insecticide soap before or after blooming of host. Various other sprays and baits are available at your nursery or hardware store. Follow label instructions carefully to avoid injury to your plant, yourself, your pets or the environment.

Bug, Fourlined Plant (Poecilocapsus lineatus)

Order: Hemiptera; Family: Miridae


Adult, green yellow with 4 wide black stripes down wings. Nymphs, bright red with black dots on thorax. Eggs, slender white.

Life Cycle:

Overwintering is in the egg stage, in slits of currant canes or others. They hatch in May-June.


General plant pest attacking fruits such as currants and gooseberry, mint and many ornamentals; especially like chrysanthemums. Injury varies with host with some developing black spots, others light tan areas on new leaves and sometimes the whole leaf tip wilts.


Cultural -

Biological -

Chemical - Various other sprays and baits are available at your nursery or hardware store. Follow label instructions carefully to avoid injury to your plant, yourself, your pets or the environment.

Bug, Green Stink (Acrosternum hilare)

Order: Hemiptera; Family: Pentatomidae Green Stink Bug


Adult, large, oval, relatively flat, bright green bug, 16 mm (5/8") long, bad smelling.

Life Cycle:

Adults overwinter in leafy debris or weeds and then lay barrel-shaped eggs in groups of 10 in Spring on or in a leaf or stem. When nymphs emerge, they quickly crawl to feeding areas, and in a few weeks grow to adulthood. There may be many generations each year.


Beans, peaches and nectarines; they cat-face fruit. They are found, sometimes, on apple, boxelder, cabbage, corn, dogwood, eggplant, elderberry, linden, maple, mustard, okra, orange, pea, tomato and turnip.


Cultural - Suppress weeds and other plant debris.

Mechanical - Floating row covers for vegetables and strawberries. Handpicking.

Biological - Parasitoid wasps or tachinid flies.

Chemical - Insecticidal soap. Various other sprays and baits are available at your nursery or hardware store. Follow label instructions carefully to avoid injury to your plant, yourself, your pets or the environment.

Bug, Harlequin (Murgantia histrionica)

Order: Heteroptera; Family: Pentatomidae Harlequin Bug


Adults are orange and black, shiny, flat, shield shaped and about (1/4 inch) 6 to 7 mm long. Nymph is orange and black, oval shaped. Eggs are white with black rings, barrel shaped and laid in double rows on the underside of leaves.

Life Cycle:

Adults overwinter in ground debris. There are 3 to 4 generations per year except in southern states where it may breed all year.


Adults and nymphs suck plant sap in Brussel sprouts, cauliflower, cherry, citrus, collard, horseradish, kohlrabi, mustard, radish and turnip. Yellowish patches appear where bug sucks sap. It may kill plant if many bugs are present.


Cultural - Plant resistant hosts. Keep debris removed.

Mechanical - Row covers. Handpick. Trap

Biological - Tachinid flies, bigeyed bugs, assassin bugs, damsel bugs.

Chemical -Insecticidal soap. Rotenone. Pyrethrum. Various other sprays and baits are available at your nursery or hardware store. Follow label instructions carefully to avoid injury to your plant, yourself, your pets or the environment.

Bug, Leaffooted (Leptoglossus phyllopus)


Bug, Negro (Corimelaena pulicaria)


Bug, Say Stink (Chlorochroa sayi)


Bug, Southern Green Stink (Nezara viridula)

Order: Hemiptera; Family: Pentatomidae Southern Green Stink Bug


Adults, light green and speckled although hibernating form might be pinkish, 1/2" (13 mm) long. Nymphs, wingless, blue-grey with red marks or brightly colored , black, green and orange mottled with white and roundish. Eggs, barrel-shaped, glued to leaf underside in masses of 10 - 50.southgrnstinkbugeggs.gif (32313 bytes)

Life Cycle: Cycle time is 4 - 6 weeks. Adults hibernate in garden debris.


Bean, citrus, peach, pecan, potato and tomato. They feed on leaves and green fruit causing pods to drop prematurely and nuts to develop black pits. Causes lightened, sometimes depressed blotch beneath fruit surface.


Cultural - Keep garden debris cleaned up.

Biological - Tachinid flies, bigeyed bugs, assassin bugs, damsel bugs.

Chemical - Sabadilla. Various other sprays and baits are available at your nursery or hardware store. Follow label instructions carefully to avoid injury to your plant, yourself, your pets or the environment.

 Bug, Squash (Anasa tristis)

Order: Heteroptera; Family: Coreidae Squash Bug

Description: Adults are dark brown to black with orange or brown abdominal perimeter, with long legs, nocturnal and about (1/2 inch) 12 mm long. They stink when crushed. Nymphs are tear shaped, yellow green with dark abdomen and red heads. Eggs are shiny brown and laid under host leaves and on stems.

Life Cycle: Adults overwinter in garden debris and lay eggs in Spring. Nymphs hatch from eggs and grow into adults. One generation per year.

Hosts/Damage: Adults and nymphs suck host plant juices and transmit diseases which eventually cause host to blacken and die. Hosts are cucumber, melon, pumpkin, squash.


Cultural - Plant resistant hosts. Clean up garden debris. Use row covers to exclude adults. Handpick adults and eggs. Vacuum adults.

Biological - Tachinid fly parasitizes eggs.

Chemical - Soap spray, rotenone and sabadilla. Various other sprays and baits are available at your nursery or hardware store. Follow label instructions carefully to avoid injury to your plant, yourself, your pets or the environment.

Bug, Tarnished Plant (Lygus lieolaris)

Order: Hemiptera; Family: Miridae Tarnished Plant Bug

Description: Green yellow to brown with yellow, brown and black marks and yellow triangle at end of each forewing. About 1/4" (6 mm) long. Nymph is pale yellow. Eggs are elongated, curved and inserted in stems, tips and leaves of host.

Life Cycle: Three to five generations each year. Overwinters as an adult or nymph in garden debris.

Hosts/Damage: Most fruits and vegetables. Nymphs and adults suck on stem tips, buds and fruits. They inject a toxin which deforms roots, blackens terminal shoots, dwarfs and pits fruits and ruins flowers.


Cultural - Keep garden debris cleaned up.

Biological - zzz

Chemical - Sabadilla. Various other sprays and baits are available at your nursery or hardware store. Follow label instructions carefully to avoid injury to your plant, yourself, your pets or the environment.

Bug, Tomato Plant (Cyrtopeltis spp.)

Order: Hemiptera; Family: ? tomatoplantbugnymph.gif (46524 bytes) tomatoplantbug.gif (44724 bytes)


Adult, small about 1/16" (2 mm), green to brown, rapidly moving. Nymph, like adult but without fully developed wings.

Life Cycle: ?


Both adults and nymphs may cause tomato flowers to drop by puncturing peduncles. May also feed on aphids and whiteflies.


Cultural - Keep garden debris cleaned up.

Biological - ?

Chemical - Various other sprays and baits are available at your nursery or hardware store. Follow label instructions carefully to avoid injury to your plant, yourself, your pets or the environment.

 Last edited: 11/23/98 10:52 PM



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